Latest News: The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

WiLi WiFi - Wildlife Hotspots

One the major problems with Google Glass is the inability to connect to the internet without a source of wifi or a bluetooth enabled phone which will make it difficult to connect in rural areas. AOL glasses will solve this problem by introducing a new feature called WiLi WiFi (Wildlife Wifi)

AOL Glasses is in talks with the Department of Woodland Services and crazy recluse people who live in the middle of nowhere to attach wireless routers to wild animals in hopes to improve signals across the United States.

"We are constantly out in the middle of the desert in our RV and dealing with harsh explosive chemicals. It'd be nice to check our Facebook once in a while. Thank you, AOL Glasses." - Jeffery "Skeeter" Sandoval

Not only will WiLi WiFi give you an excellent signal when you're camping or "cooking" but it also serves as an alarm for wild animal attacks. If you're out by yourself unprotected and check your phone and you see an excellent wifi connection, it's best that you run.

On The Edge of Innovation
AOL Glasses

Thursday, January 30, 2014

AOL Glasses V.1 - Beta Pre-release - Advanced Preview

*Phone and Camera not included. They are mine.

Specs Details Comments
Fax Speed 14.4 kbps Adapted from Cold War technologies
Caliber .22 Jams less often
Search Engine Compatibility Alta-Vista + ASK Jeeves Only Our programmers are working on it.
Battery 4-Cell Low Carb Plasma The lowest carb battery in the market
Camera 3,000 Bytes Like old timey photos you have to sit 30 minutes for
Frame 100% Pure Plastic Created from smaller melted pieces of genuine plastic, sturdy rubber band grip technology

Friday, January 24, 2014

Factory Production

Each pair of AOL Glasses is hand crafted from the finest plastic boxes found in my garage. The tools used to sculpt the frame are so highly advanced you need to go to school for 4 years just to be able to purchase the catalog where you can order them. Each pair takes 2-3 months to manufacture because making them is probably like a 9 out of 10 on a the difficulty scale. AOL Glass is custom fitted using my patented Yellow Rubber Band technology.

It costs me roughly $960 to make but with shipping, inflation, taxation without representation, and Obamacare I have to charge $1200 and even then I'm losing money. I'm practically giving these away.